Hard Drive Destruction

Keep GDPR compliant with 100% protection guaranteed hard drive destruction

 Stay GDPR compliant by securely destroying your data

 100% guarantee of complete data destruction

 From just £12.50 per hard drive

 Certificate of destruction ensures audit trail

Value To You

Identity destruction offer a market leading service at a rock bottom price. The real value comes from ensuring you're GDPR compliant – as the fines for security breach could cripple a business

Sensitive material stored on old PCs and Laptops is like gold dust to identity thieves.

Email details, home and business addresses, utility bills, bank statements, telephone numbers, various account passwords etc. are what identity criminals thrive on.  Simply deleting hard drive information does not remove the possibility of it being retrieved by computer hackers. Did you know an incredible 90% of the data can be retrieved after a hard drive has been wiped or reformatted!

With the recent GDPR is now important than ever to ensure your hard drives and the precious data they contain are destroyed securely and completely. That’s why we work with identity destruction, and their 5* rated service.

So why run the risk of falling foul of the new regulations? Speak to someone at identity destruction today to find out how they can help keep you compliant.
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